Our Mission
Communicate an Inclusive Gospel and Create Christian Communities
Who We Are: Encounter Mission International (EMI) is a global organization dedicated to training, sending, and supporting the creation of inclusive Christian spaces.
What we do: Our one focus is to communicate an inclusive message of God's love and to provide places for Christian connection, conversation, and community.
Why We do what we do: In a Christian world growing increasingly polarized, political, and exclusive, there must be a place for genuine inclusion, freedom to explore faith, and where God's love is truly experienced. If we don't, who will?
Our Superpower
At EMI, we possess two superpowers that set our mission apart: 1) We believe in an all-inclusive Gospel, regardless of sexual orientation, race, or gender. 2) We focus on function over form. Our function is to communicate God's inclusive love clearly. Each EMI location is free to adapt its form to best convey this message within its culture.
Our Values
Values Guide Our Conversations and Conduct
Believe: We aim to share a clear and inclusive Gospel message, giving everyone the opportunity to choose God's love.
Belong: Our goal is to foster a relational environment in all our communities
Achieve: We strive to inspire personal, professional, and spiritual growth, enabling all to reach their God-given destiny.